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Fujifilm has announced that it has acquired 100% of award-winning software company, Whitech Pty Limited – global specialists in market leading photographic digital kiosk and home ordering solutions.
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DGI at FESPA Digital showed a unique approach to combining wide format printing with LED lighting.
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Roland DG Australia has announced the opening of their new Creative Centres in both Sydney and Melbourne offices.
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- Sydney's VFX installs new HP Scitex LX850
- European Digital Press Association awards Optimus dash Managament Information System with top prize
- PrintEx forum presentations now available
- Fujifilm extends Uvistar range
- Epson launch new low-cost substrate range in Europe
- Grapo shows the Gemini and Shark at FESPA Digital
- Kornit debuts fastest T-shirt production printer at FESPA Digital
- Durst unveil their Rho 1000L at FESPA Digital
- $1.4 million Out of Home ad campaign
- FESPA economy survey shows highly positive attitude for the balance of the year
- World's first :M-Press Leopard finalised at FESPA
- Sun is printing energy!
- Why bother with MIS? A UK case study.
- EFI launch their VUTEk GS3250r at FESPA Digital
- Polytype launch a new ten picolitre print-head