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The 3D Print Forum, a dedicated conference stream for 3D Print & Additive Manufacturing, has been launched and will take place at InPrint 2014, 8-10 April (www.inprintlive.com), in recognition of the growing role this exciting technology plays within the design and manufacturing process.
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They haven't told us anything about it but have given us this video as a teaser.
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If you are prrinting for the outdoor industry, your industry is doing very well.
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New site aims to generate business for sign/large format print providers.
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Arlon has announced the launch of Series 2300X, a specialty textured automotive restyling wrap film.
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AGS has announced that during March they are relocating their current Brisbane (Capalaba) Distribution Centre to new larger premises at 111 Benjamin Place, Lytton.
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A nice example of Hexis C4000 Cristal films in action can be seen at the 2013 Ellerslie International Flower Show in Christchurch, New Zealand.
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Anitech have changed the line-up of its senior executive team. The changes reflect recent staff developments following the passing of CEO Chris Wagstaff late last year and the departure of Marketing Manager Barry Grant in December 2012.
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Economic growth data released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the December 2012 quarter shows that the printing industry surged ahead during the quarter to record the highest rate of growth amongst the manufacturing sectors.
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3M has introduced 3M Custom Traffic Sign Faces, a new offering of image-enhancing, full-colour graphic sign faces digitally printed onto high-efficiency, microprismatic 3M Diamond Grade DG³ Reflective Sheeting.
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Australian Visual Solutions (AVS) have gone back to back in winning the 2012 Roland DG Partner of the Year award.
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‘Print is Alive’ is the topic apprentices around Australia can use to win an expense free trip to PacPrint 2013.
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An interesting article recently appeared on the FESPA web site that should be of interest to all printers of POS material.
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Late last year Summa introduced the S Class 2nd Generation,S2. Summa maintain that reliability, performance and quality are the most important features of any cutter, but in a rapidly evolving signmaking market, these important attributes cannot be the sole features of a high quality cutter.
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Mimaki and Color Concepts have joined forces to provide certification for media suitable for the Mimaki Latex printer JV400LX.
- Printed billboards under threat at Brisbane airport
- PacPrint13 Forums taking shape
- If you are going to Pacprint in May and wish to avoid the registration cues, you will need to register, the register is now open
- Former Printing Industries CEO Chris Peters loses cancer battle
- Texwalk has arrived
- Caldera launches PrintBoard production monitoring display package
- AVS Print & Wrap Events with Roland VersaWorksTM Training
- Xanita's Big Shift design competition
- Sihl launches Glossy Canvas 420gsm for eco solvent printers
- EFI Wins Gold at Deutscher Drucker International Print Technology Awards
- Webinar on "Advanced Colour Management Strategies"
- Delta Group (UK) win Inca's 3D POS category award
- Durst RHO P10 250 received SGIA Product of the Year Award
- X-Rite Pantone to preview new products at the European Coatings Show (ECS)
- Last chance to win the 2013 GAMAA $15000 industry overseas grant round