Unimax, a prominent Labels & Packaging printer based in the Auckland suburb of Avondale, has upgraded to a SCREEN L350UV SAI S Inkjet label printer, through Jet Technologies and Fujifilm, making it the first SAI model in New Zealand. In 2017, Unimax installed NZ's first Screen Truepress Jet L350UV and have upgraded for higher productivity, extra colours and a 67% increase in throughput when using white ink.

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UniMax LogoSold and supported in combination by Jet Technologies, Fujifilm NZ and Screen itself, the L350UV SAI has replaced an earlier model L350UV, bought over 5 years ago, a move which completely revolutionised Unimax's business, moving them from Letterpress to the Digital age.

Back in 2017, there was 'disbelief' at Unimax, as jobs that required setup times of 4-5 hours on letterpress machines, would set up and print in a matter of minutes on the L350UV. This enabled Unimax to substantially expand its client base and grow the company's business in higher-value markets, where precision artwork and multiple SKU’s presetedn no issues on the new digital inkjet press. Screen TPJ L350UV SAI

Following years of incemental improvements, Screen and Jet Technologies released the Truepress Jet L350UV SAI S in 2021 and the label print results have been taken to the next level, with the addition of additional colours to standard CMYK, (white, orange and blue), to substantially increase the colour gamut and vibrancy of labels. Overall productivity increased by 20% on all jobs and by an astounding 67% for jobs containing Screen’s high opacity white. The range of substrates that Unimax can print onto has also increased substantially with this model, enabling Unimax to print on thinner synthetic stocks, as well as a thicker range of paper and hybrid products.

Unimax Director Dinesh Kumar said: “We have always been huge fans of inkjet – we were the first to bring the L350UV into New Zealand and can proudly say that we are now the first with the new SAI model. The original press was extremely reliable over its 5 years with us and upgrading was an easy decision, especially with the service we receive from both Jet Technologies & FFNZ”.







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