Based in outer Melbourne, Mambourin promotes independent living by offering employment, education and training services to adults with a disability. The group relies heavily on public support to continue its work.
The car wrap, valued at $5,000 will take an estimated 16 man hours to complete, effectively transforming the Suzuki Alto 5 door sedan from a utility vehicle into a moving billboard for the organisation.
Sign A Rama encourages support for community organisations and many of the 90+ franchisees nationally provide signage services for local charity groups. A culture of corporate social responsibility is strongly supported by the franchisor, the USA-based United Franchise Group.
Materials for the wrap will be donated by Avery Graphics.
Sign A Rama is the world’s largest signage franchise, with 20 plus years experience and almost 90 stores in Australia and 900 internationally.
Sign A Rama

Sign A Rama encourages support for community organisations and many of the 90+ franchisees nationally provide signage services for local charity groups. A culture of corporate social responsibility is strongly supported by the franchisor, the USA-based United Franchise Group.
Materials for the wrap will be donated by Avery Graphics.
Sign A Rama is the world’s largest signage franchise, with 20 plus years experience and almost 90 stores in Australia and 900 internationally.
Sign A Rama