Based in outer Melbourne, Mambourin promotes independent living by offering employment, education and training services to adults with a disability. The group relies heavily on public support to continue its work. They support more then 400 local families.
The car wrap, valued at $5,000 took a total of 16 man hours to complete in the foyer of The Sebel, Albert Park Melbourne. Effectively transformed the Suzuki Alto 5 door sedan into a moving billboard for the organisation. The boosted brand awareness drives additional support from the public, crucial too impacting more people’s lives. See the before an after shots.
Materials for the wrap were generously donated by Avery Graphics.
Mambourin’s CEO, Rohan Braddy who was there to see the finishing touches, said "the people that will get the biggest thrill are those who get to ride around in it. The adults with disabilities we support.”

Materials for the wrap were generously donated by Avery Graphics.
Mambourin’s CEO, Rohan Braddy who was there to see the finishing touches, said "the people that will get the biggest thrill are those who get to ride around in it. The adults with disabilities we support.”