RMIT University has entered into an arrangement with private provider CLB Training & Development Pty Ltd to help CLB develop a print and graphic arts training capability in Victoria and Tasmania.
CLB will initially offer the following programs:
• Certificate III in Printing and Graphic Arts (Pre-Press), Apprenticeship
• Certificate III in Printing and Graphic Arts (Printing), Apprenticeship
• Certificate III in Printing and Graphic Arts (Print Finishing), Apprenticeship
• Certificate III in Printing and Graphic Arts (Screen Printing), Apprenticeship
• Diploma of Printing and Graphic Arts (Digital Production)
CLB is a major private training organisation with more than 120 staff delivering a range of programs nationally. The company was founded in 2003. In recent years the company has broadened its scope and geographic footprint and now has 52 qualifications on its scope of registration and offices in Melbourne (head office), Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.
CLB has an Advisory Board which includes the Honourable Steve Bracks AC, a former head of the Victorian Print Training Advisory Board and Premier of Victoria, and Professor Stephen King, former Dean of the Monash University Business Faculty. A number of senior executives in the company have worked in the print industry, and a number of CLB’s clients have significant printing operations.
CLB Managing Director, Gary Cobbledick, said that the company had been planning to move into print training in 2012 as part of its long-term strategic plan and was delighted to be doing so in full cooperation with RMIT.
“We believe that the flexible, workplace-based, training delivery model offered by CLB will provide industry with a sound, ongoing training option for the print and graphic arts sector following RMIT’s decision to discontinue pre-press, printing and print finishing training.”
Simon Cochaud, Director of RMIT’s International Centre of Graphic Technology, said this arrangement would provide the print industry with a high-quality training solution in Victoria and Tasmania.
“RMIT is confident CLB will be able to assist the industry in continuing to develop training options which will allow the print industry to grow and effectively respond to the challenges it is facing.”
Under the terms of the agreement between CLB and RMIT, CLB will acquire all training resources required to offer the printing qualifications currently offered by
RMIT, and the parties will cooperate in various ways over the coming months so that CLB can add the printing qualifications to its scope of registration.
“CLB aims to become Australia’s leading provider of print training solutions by 2015,” Gary Cobbledick said. “We look forward to recruiting the best team of printing and graphic arts trainers in the country and to working closely with all stakeholders to ensure that our training meets the needs of industry and adds real value for employers and apprentices alike.”
For media enquiries: RMIT University, Marketing and Communications, David Glanz, (03) 9925 2807 or 0438 547 723.
RMIT and CLB Training strike print training deal
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