After a successful beta test period, PitStop 13 is now in general release. Beta users report that the features included in this release solve their most problematic PDF quality challenges. Available as a subscription or a license model, PitStop 13 provides, as one beta tester described it, “More production, more efficiency, and easier communication.”
Printers all over the world experience the challenges that come with modern print production. PDFs have become the common format for the delivery of files, but these PDF files can often include issues that mean extra, non-chargeable work and time for the printers and increased frustration for customers. With the release of PitStop 13, Enfocus gives printers the features they need to take control of the production process.
As part of this product release, Enfocus has created a series of videos that provide a first-hand look at the powerful features of PitStop13 in action. These videos contain an overview of what’s included in PitStop Pro and Pitstop Server, and videos that cover the new functionality included in the following features.
No Bleeds? No Problem – Automatic Bleed Generation
Enfocus developed the Add Bleed Action to address one of the biggest challenges in the industry: the lack of bleed in supplied PDF files.
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Showing bleed before and after |
The new Add Bleed Action solves this widespread problem, giving users a unique solution that can create bleed as needed. This video demonstrates just how easily and accurately the Add Bleed Action solves this challenge.
Beta customer Kerry Heyen, of Capitol Blue Print in Springfield, Illinois, USA says: “We have so many customers that don't even know what a bleed is! For many jobs, it takes me just as long – or longer – to add bleeds and set these up as it does to print. The Add Bleed Action is extremely helpful and time saving for us.”
Patrik Jansson, of Grano, in Tampere, Finland, also finds the Add Bleed action to be a time saver. He says: “The Add Bleed functionality saved our prepress guy an hour of working time for a single job! This job included 20 or so different files without bleed, which couldn't be scaled.”
Preflight Messages That Say What They Mean
Customers wanted a way to help non-technical users understand the error and warning messages that were generated in the PitStop Preflight reports. PitStop 13 delivered on this request, enabling customers to customize these important messages. These messages can also be translated into other languages – even languages that are not currently supported by PitStop.
Click here to see the customized messages feature in action.
Target What to Check and What to Correct
Preflight Restrictions is the most important change to PitStop Preflight since its introduction. This new feature gives users endless options for customizing the checks and fixes included in a preflight profile. Creating a much more targeted preflight check means users spend less time managing irrelevant warnings and errors.
Beta Tester Amybeth Menendez, Prepress Department, Candid Worldwide, New York, USA said, “We are receiving what is called “print ready” PDFs more often from our clients, and it used to be an burden to our department. But with PitStop 13, I can customize and set restrictions in preflight and save these preflight profiles for specific clients and for the specific recurring jobs they send in.”
Users can easily set these Preflight Restrictions using only minimal changes to the PitStop Preflight editor interface. Watch the video to see how easy it is to set and use this powerful new functionality.
Create Images From PDF Files
PDF2IMAGE is a new feature in PitStop Server CLI that gives users more options for creating and managing images from PDF files. As the name implies, PDF2IMAGE lets users create PNG or JPEG images from PDF files. This feature also allows Action Lists to be run on the PDF, so the PDF can be adjusted or graphics added before the conversion. Users can also configure the image output to include only certain elements of a PDF, such as just the text.
PDF2Image will be available in PitStop Server CLI, PitStop2Switch as of summer 2015, and as a Switch configurator immediately.
Improvements for “Floating License” Users
The PitStop Pro “floating” license provides the flexibility of installing copies of PitStop Pro on any number of terminals within a local area network and allowing only a certain number of these copies to be used simultaneously. In PitStop 13, The Workgroup Manager now includes a “push” mechanism that lets users distribute the profiles and settings that are part of the floating license. This feature reduces the amount of network traffic and improves the communication between PitStop Pro and the Workgroup Manager server.
Adobe Acrobat DC
PitStop 13 is compatible with Adobe® Acrobat® X, Adobe® Acrobat® XI and Adobe® Acrobat® DC, so users can confidently access all the latest features in both products.
License or Subscription
PitStop Pro 13 is available on either a license or subscription basis. Users can choose the model that works best for their company today, and upgrade as their needs change in the future.