If you are reading this via our Wednesday newsletter, the show will be a quarter way through its four day duration.
PacPrint just grows and grows and this year the show, for the first time, is under the management of Peter Harper, GM (Magazines and Trade Shows) of Visual Connections, the relatively new industry organisation that was formed by the merger of GAMAA and VISA.Wide Format Online will offer a combined video and text review of the show in the coming weeks as review data, photos and videos are processed and approved for publication. There will surely be much news generated by the show in addition to the huge volume of pre-show news that we have already published.
Our video reviews are a valuable resource as it enables all those unable to attend the show to witness the various wide format printing presentations done at the show. It also allows those that did attend the show a second look at those presentations that could/would be of interest.
Visual Connections
Wide Format Online